Optimize anchor text for maximum search relevance

Wondering how the text used by others to link to your site affects your relevance for the search rank?

If the site linking is related to your market, it doesn't matter what text is used in the link.

If the site linking to yours is about a completely different area, then the more related to your area the word is, the more the link will matter.


If my site is about technology and I get a link from a electronics store with the word "news", it will help my ranking the same as if the words "technology news" were used.

In the case the link comes from a restaurant site, the link used will have to include some of the words related to my site, like the word "technology". In this case using the two words "technology news" will help better than just a link using the word "news".

Only in this way the search engine can figure out the context of the link and its relevance. Of course the link from the electronics store will have more relevancy for the search engine to index my blog.

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