Hackintosh in a Samsung laptop

The shiny black Samsung R70, a top level machine on the days of Windows Vista, was the laptop I installed OSX 10.5 Leopard. Yes, I know this goes against of Apple's terms & conditions, but I was curious and wanted to learn how to use Apple's system.

Samsung R70 laptop
Samsung R70

The Samsung laptop was just a few months old, and I spent a lot of money on the latest technology. I was paying installments each month for one year, so buying another computer was not an option.

I tried different distributions and different settings for each distribution. Nothing worked, so I parked the idea. But it was still in my head, so after a few weeks reading more about it, I tried again until the system booted successfully. I saw the Apple logo appear on the screen, I couldn't believe it, I was really excited.

I still had to solve some problems thought, like the keyboard and touch pad weren't detected, sound and microphone weren't working... I had to find patches and workarounds. I bought an expensive PCMCIA card that the system detected as Airport to have wifi. It did a very good "hackintosh", and I liked to work with that system so much that I ended buying the real thing. Thanks Apple for the trial!

chip with the nVidia defect
nVidia chip

The Samsung laptop worked well until the fourth year, then problems with the graphics started. It was hit by the nVidia defect. It was out of guarantee. If I wanted to fix it, I needed to replace the main board, that was a expensive reparation and the problem will appear again in the future. Contacting Samsung's customer service didn't help. Now it is just an expensive Samsung branded paperweight.