Content quality is more relevant than any keyword

Search engine optimization and content of quality

For a document to be easily understood, the writing style should be clear and simple. This involves a writing style that is direct and familiar to the intended reader. The structure of the document should be logical, unambiguous and avoid redundant words.

Create new fresh content and update old posts regularly. Content should be original. Copied content from other sites now gets penalized in search results. Content should be valuable for the reader. Anything else is just noise and pollution.

Content that you put on Facebook should stay on Facebook. Don't put Facebook content on to your website or it will negatively affect to your web authority, as it will dilute the expertise when search engines find so much unrelated and low quality content. Facebook is the perfect place for gossip and it is very addictive, but it does not add real value.

Today search engine algorithms analyze the quality of the writing. Then they classify the information and assign a value to your site. The more useful and engaging your content is for the visitor the better your web should rank.

Remember, your content will be crawled by robots, but will be read by humans.

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